Monday, March 1, 2010

and so the journey begins

One of the lifelong dreams I have is to travel. My first journey abroad was two years ago. I took my son and flew to Paris to meet up with my daughter who was studying in Lyon for the year. We spent three wonderful weeks traveling through France, Switzerland, and London. The only downside to this trip. It made me want to travel even more.

Since it takes money to travel and I don't have any, a plan is needed. I could buy lottery tickets and hope for the best, but those require funds. Perhaps, I could travel on someone else's dime. One of my favorite television shows is The Amazing Race. Oh, the excitement; to be able to travel the world and have a chance to win enough money to do even more traveling.

Now I know there are many folks out there trying out for the show and my chances on making it are slim, I figure they are better than willing the lottery. Now I have a problem. All those people you see on the show are all relatively fit and capable of running to catch a plane, train, or automobile. Currently, I am not able to do that; which brings me to the reason for this blog.

Here I will report on my progress at losing weight and how well my exercise program is working at getting me in shape to beat the young ones. You see, I have a very large amount of weight to lose. I also need to learn to love the sweat.

Today is day one. It is currently 2:43 a.m. I am going to bed now, get some sleep, then go to school and then.....

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